Dear Supporters,
I'm writing to give you the latest update on the crisis in Haiti. We did not have a team in Haiti when the earthquake hit. Actually, I was scheduled to be there right now but I had to postpone my trip because I just funeralized my mom. The last time that I talked with our staff in Haiti was on January 2. They called to see when I was coming but I told them that my mom was very ill.
Our school is located in Port-de-Paix which is 180 miles North of Port-Au-Prince.
However, our Administrator's family lives in Port-Au-Prince and one of our interpreters. I have been trying to call them but cannot get through. We do not know the fate of them yet. Here's a picture of one of our interpreters in front of the Presidential Palace in November 2009. He was taking CMRS intern from the University of Maryland around Port-Au-Prince to site see. We have not been able to reach him. I'm also can't reach a missionary guest house that I usually stay at in Port-Au-Prince when I arrive or leave out of the country.
I just got word from inside of Haiti that they are reporting that 100,000 people are dead.
The government buildings have collapsed, the palace, the hospitals, the streets, etc. Here's another picture of the President Palace after the earthquake. Please note that Port-au-Prince is the heart (the hub) for the entire country. Food, clean drinking water, arrival into the country, Aid, and communication comes out of Port-Au-Prince. Therefore, you really have an entire country in turmoil and chaos right now since all of these items have ceased.
I would like to thank everyone who have called and sent emails to help. We are organizing a relief effort for Haiti. Here's what is needed the most:
1. Financial Support ...this is crucial!!!!!
2. Water - 5 gallons jugs
3. Medicines
4. Tents
5. Beans & Rice
I will be contacting you soon where you can drop out these items. I'm leaving from Cleveland, Ohio (where my mom was funeralized) and will be driving back to Atlanta in about 2 hours. Please pray that I have a safe trip back.
Thank you for your help, support, and prayers.
Pat Christian
Executive Director
Caleb Missionary Relief Services
PO Box 362041
Decatur, Georgia 30036-2041